It is possible to upload VMU saved data. The following form performs such an upload. However, so that this doesn't turn into a site distributing unwanted material, the upload directory is not linked to from here. See Contacting TOOGAM if you would like to retrieve data submitted with this form that is designed to allow uploading of data from a VMU.
*.VMI aids DC Browsers. *.VMS is game's data. Browser links use VMI files which point to VMS files. Have both.
vmugames/soulcalibur_game_download.jhtml /vault/vmu/vmufilecenter_dl.html This was a 404 on a PC
Welcome to a web page made for visiting with a web browser
on a Sega Dreamcast.
All of these URLs go to this page:
(Slashes ("/"'s) at ends of the above addresses are optional.) points users to the basic browsers page: TV-based web browsers may someday link here.
Links which are Temporarily Here:
JavaScript testing (local to this site, unfinished)
Sonic MIDI (should use Sonic)
Int Acc
2g home
Keys for Planetweb's browser: L scrolls down, B brings up favorites, Start brings up options, clicking the Title/URL lets you go to a new site. Y magnifies. The Dreamcast's L button scrolls down in Planetweb.
The following bookmarks came pre-installed with the Sega Dreamcast Browser 2.6 (labeled: planetweb 2.606 JS SSL VoIP US)
Home Page |
Bookmarks | |
Address Book Entries |
(Note: The Home Page redirects the user to index.jhtml which is so apparently dcreg is in the root directory of and it isn't or anything similar like that.)
UploadingIf you'd like to make your own web page that can accept files, you can use which contains some CGI files. You'll need to know how to set up CGI files on your web server (I believe a Perl Interpretor is needed), and modify upload.cgi to tell it where to place files.
These were obtained from the Yahoo! Group called Video Game Systems Online which a certain page (now down, but cached by Google) said was "home of the world's first open-source VMU file uploader." They were located in Uploader! folder of the files section which had, in the files' descriptions, instructions to rename upload.txt and to upload.cgi and (The files in the zip offered by this site have been renamed as instructed.)
Group named Video Game Systems Online
A List of Games with DreamKey and How to enable more keys (hold A and press Start 10 times).
DreamPassport information including controller rumble support.
VMU Saves. To download a save file in PlanetWeb's browser, the browser needs to be directed to downloading a *.VMI file. This isn't the actual save file, but rather, the VMI files point to *.VMS files which contain the save data.Here are some more useful locations:
VMU Files:
Web Browser Information:
lynx -useragent="Mozilla/3.0 (Planetweb/2.606; Dreamcast US)"