Nope, this has nothing to do with the Game Cube game Mario Kart: Double
Dash. This has to do with having files from two different dashboards on
the Xbox hard drive. This is the basis of some newer hacks, including
Easter Egg Exploit (virtually identical, but a bit
less intrusive on normal system operations) and
Page 1
of the thread
pointed to by
Angerwound's pinned post
linking to different exploits
As I recall, my attempt to install this on someone's Xbox
resulted in an Error 21 everytime the Xbox booted from the
hard drive. Fortunately we could still boot to MechAssault
and fix the problem.
- As I also recall, I spent some time
trying to find out what signature this uses, and maybe I
even did not find the answer and just guessed (hence getting
the Error 21).
The Xbox was a kernel 5713 Xbox. Further research has
revealed to be that kernel 5713 is probably incompatible
with this hack.
Now that I've found some more information and have a little
more experience with this, I think this is just the
Easter Egg Exploit ("EEE")
as described on this site's "EEE" page,
except that the executable in the package gets called
Obtain devz3ro's package from "The Usual Places"
at /XBOX/exploits/Font_Exploits/doubledash/doubledash.rar
Do not follow the directions inside that package. (I am
just not a big fan of deleting all files from the C: and
then trying to copy them from a CD, especially since some
Xbox drives cannot read some burned CDs as well.)
I suggest first trying EEE, then if you want to enter this
hack by selecting the "Xbox Live" tab on the main
menu of Microsoft's official dashboard, to see if EEE works.
If EEE functions properly and you'd rather have the
"Xbox Live!" option on the main menu run unsigned
code instead of Microsoft's "Xbox Live!" executable,
continue the next steps.
Ensure you have a kernel version less than 5713, because I
do believe 5713 would fail.
Back up and delete, or just rename C:\xodash\xonlinedash.xbe
Either backup and delete files, or just rename files so that
there are no C:\*.xip or C:\xtf files.
Extract the contents of /C/ directory of doubledash.rar to
the C:, including the C\xodash\xonlinedash.xbe which should
be backed up from an earlier step.